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About me

From time to time, over many years, I have made translations into English of books and stories which, in one way or another, have interested me or have had a personal resonance. Some have been translated many times over by other hands but some have never been translated. I offer a selection of them below; just click on any title which interests you.


Arie Kuijl

Prisoner on the Equator - (Opgeborgen bij de Evenaar)

A fascinating day-by-day account of life in a Japanese prisoner of war camp in Sumatra 1942-5. Of special interest to me because my father was one of the prisoners.


Theodor Storm


One of Storm's best loved short stories, a poignant love affair recalled in old age.
Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf

Autobiography - (Lebensbeschreibung)

The composer Ditters von Dittersdorf (1739-99) dictated these memoirs to his son on his deathbed. It is a fascinating account of musical life, and much more besides, during the latter half of the 18th century.


Anton Chekhov

Ionich - (Ионыч)

An acutely observed study in self-deception leading to self-knowledge.
Boris Pilnyak

The Blue Sea - (Синее море)

An account by Boris Pilnyak (1894-1938) of a visit to Sevastopol in the Crimea during which he took part in salvaging the gold thought to be aboard the British warship Black Prince, sunk in a storm during the Crimean War 1853-6.


Lech Bazylczuk

Short Stories

Dr Bazylczuk is a retired Polish surgeon who writes short stories full of wry humour based on his social and professional life. This is a small selection.
  1. When a man gets older... - (Gdy się człowiek robi starszy...)
  2. On finger Drumming - (O Bębnieniu Palcami)
  3. Palm Trees - (Palma)
  4. Travelling Light - (Podrózując lekko)
  5. Aunt Alexandra